Many pump industry professionals join the industry without a background in engineering or pump application. There are two possible scenarios in which new entrants into the pump industry may find themselves:
- They might be provided access to excellent training material that is highly technical in nature.
- They might be expected to pick up what they need to know on-the-job.
New entrants who encounter the first scenario often struggle to understand the material they are presented. While the material itself may be excellent, without any background in pumps or engineering new entrants are simply unprepared for the content.
New entrants who encounter the second scenario learn slowly and often find that there are key concepts they never fully understand.
What is missing in both cases is a strong foundation in fundamental pump application, design, and selection guidelines.
Intro to Pumps exists to fill this void. We do provide extremely technical engineering training. What we do provide is a practical education in fundamental pump topics that will give new entrants into the industry the knowledge they need to do their job and to do it well.
If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to get in touch.